International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN) are unique codes used to identify accounts within the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) network.
An IBAN enables you to securely send and receive SEPA Credit Transfers and SEPA Direct Debit transactions across Europe.
Localized IBAN format
Your IBANs are localized, meaning that they’re country-specific, starting with one of several country prefixes.
Both your main and virtual IBANs and your Bank Identifier Code (BIC) are localized to your account country in compliance with local laws. IBANs begin with a country prefix, also included in the BIC. For example, FR is the prefix for France, and the BIC is SWNBFR22.
Your IBANs respect one of the following localized formats:
France → IBAN: FR76 1732 8844 00XX XXXX XXXX XYY | BIC: SWNBFR22
French IBANs consist of 34 letters and numbers. Each set of characters represents a different account detail.
Character set Explanation FR France's country code 76 Check digits 17328 Swan's French bank code 84400 Swan's French branch code for main IBANs (virtual IBANs: 89900) XXXX XXXX X 11-digit account number (not applicable for virtual IBANs) YY Two-digit RIB keyRIB, or relevé d'identité bancaire, are Swan's bank details PDF SWNBFR22 Swan's French Bank Identifier Code (BIC) -
German IBANs consist of 22 letters and numbers. Each set of characters represents a different account detail.
Character set Explanation DE Germany's country code YY IBAN check digits 1001 4000 Swan's German bank code for main IBANs (virtual IBANs:1001 4001) XXXX XXXX XX 10-digit account number (not applicable for virtual IBANs) SWNBDEBB Swan's German Bank Identifier Code (BIC) YY Two-digit RIB keyRIB, or relevé d'identité bancaire, are Swan's bank details PDF SWNBFR22 Swan's French Bank Identifier Code (BIC) - 🇮🇹Italy → IBAN:ITXX Y368 3200 000X XXXX XXXX XXX| BIC:SWNBITM2
Italian IBANs consist of 27 letters and numbers. Each set of characters represents a different account detail.
Character set Explanation IT Italy's country code XX IBAN check digits Y Italian national check code 368 32 Swan's Italian bank code 01600 Swan's Italian branch code for main IBANs (virtual IBANs: 01601) X XXXX XXXX XXX 12-digit account number (not applicable for virtual IBANs) SWNBITM2 Swan's Italian Bank Identifier Code (BIC) -
Dutch IBANs consist of 18 letters and numbers. Each set of characters represents a different account detail.
Character set Explanation NL Netherland's country code YY IBAN check digits SWNB Swan's bank code Z IBAN type (1-4: main IBAN; 5-9: virtual IBAN) XXX XXXX XX 10-digit account number (not applicable for virtual IBANs) SWNBNL22 Swan's Dutch Bank Identifier Code (BIC) -
Spanish IBANs consist of 24 letters and numbers. Each set of characters represents a different account detail.
Character set Explanation ES Spain's country code YY IBAN check digits 6724 Swan's Spanish bank code 8440 Swan's Spanish branch code for main IBANs (virtual IBANs:8990) ZZ Bank check digits XX XXXX XXXX 10-digit account number (not applicable for virtual IBANs) SWNBESB2 Swan's Spanish Bank Identifier Code (BIC)
IBAN types
There are two types of IBANs linked with your payment account:
- Main IBAN: a single primary IBAN assigned to your payment account
- Virtual IBANs: you can generate an unlimited number of virtual IBANs for your account
Main IBANs
Your payment account has one main IBAN, and all of your virtual IBANs are connected to this main IBAN. Go to Web Banking > Account > Main IBAN to view your main IBAN*, provided only after you complete account onboarding and identification.
Virtual IBANs
Virtual IBANs are designed to receive payments, allowing you to accept SEPA Credit Transfers and set up incoming SEPA Direct Debit transactions. You can’t make payments with your virtual IBANs.
The following image shows that you can create multiple virtual IBANs for your account linked to your main IBAN. Virtual IBANs enable you to separate payments for easier tracking.
Assigning a unique IBAN to each payer simplifies payment tracking and reconciliation.
If you still don’t have access to your IBAN after successfully completing identification, submit a request to Swan Support.