🇩🇪 Proof of registration for German companies

  • Updated

Whenever possible, Swan retrieves required documents independently.

If it's not possible for Swan to retrieve a document, the list of documents on this page can be requested to open an account for your company registered in 🇩🇪 Germany.

Documents must have been issued within the last three months and be written in the Latin alphabet. They must be comprehensive, accurate, and legally compliant.

Legal entity Proof of registration Articles of association Other documents
Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts - GbR None ✓ Required Proof that the members are either self-employed or do liberal professions
Offene Handelsgesselschaft - oHG

Kommanditgesellschaft - KG

Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - GmbH

GmbH & Co. KG

GmbH & Co. oHG

Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) - UG

Aktiengesellschaft - AG

Societas Europaea - kurz SE

Handelsregister- / Unternehmensregisterauszug ✓ Required Declaration of UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners; collected by Swan)
Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung - EWIV Handelsregister / Unternehmensregister ✓ Required None
Partnerschaft Partnerschaftsregister- / Unternehmensregisterauszug ✓ Required None

Societas Cooperativa Europaea - SCE
Genossenschaftsregister- / Unternehmensregisterauszug ✓ Required Declaration of UBOs (collected by Swan)
Associations Local court registration - Vereinsregisterauszug ✓ Required Declaration of UBOs (collected by Swan)
Freiberufler - Liberal professionals None ☒ Not required Proof of exercise of the activity (chamber membership, proof of qualification, tax registration, a bill, an invoice…)
Selbständig / Gewerblich tätig - Self employed Proof of registration at the local administrative office - Gewerbeschein ☒ Not required Proof of exercise of the activity (a bill, an invoice…)