🇫🇷 Proof of registration for French companies

  • Updated

Whenever possible, Swan retrieves required documents independently.

If it's not possible for Swan to retrieve a document, the list of documents on this page can be requested to open an account for your company registered in 🇫🇷 France.

Documents must have been issued within the last three months and be written in the Latin alphabet. They must be comprehensive, accurate, and legally compliant.

Legal entity Proof of registration Articles of association Other documents
Société anonyme

Société à responsabilité limitée

Société civile professionnelle

Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée

Société par actions simplifiée

Société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle

Société en nom collectif

Société en commandite par actions

Société en commandite simple
Kbis* certificate of incorporation Required if requested by Swan Declaration of UBOs* (collected by Swan)
Entrepreneur individuel One of the following documents will provide proof of registration:
  • INSEE* registration document
  • A document certifying registration with the Chamber of Commerce (for sole-employed carrying out a commercial activity)
  • A document certifying registration with the Trade Register (for self-employed carrying out a craft activity)
☒ Not required First transfer from a bank account in Europe or the EEA* in the name of the client
Professions libérales INSEE registration document ☒ Not required URSSAF* registration
Associations JOAFE* journal issue Required if requested by Swan None
Syndic de copropriété Kbis certificate of incorporation Required
  • UBO* declaration (collected by Swan)
  • UBO's identity document
  • Legal representative's identity document
  • Professional card
  • Financial guarantee
  • Professional liability insurance
Syndicat de copropriété Proof of registration in the ANAH* register ☒ Not required Copy of the minutes from a general meeting during which the syndicat was designated

∗ Acronyms:

  • Kbis: K extract for a business that serves as your company's ID card
  • UBO: Ultimate Beneficial Owner
  • INSEE: Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques
    • (English: French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies)
  • URSSAF: Unions de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d'allocations familiales
    • (English: Organizations for the Collection of Social Security and Family Benefit Contributions)
  • EEA: European Economic Area
  • JOAFE: Journal officiel des associations et fondations d'entreprises
    • (English: Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations)
  • ANAH: Agence Nationale de l'Habitat
    • (English: National Housing Agency)